Just so you don't think I am all talk and no action, I am once again a proud member of a gym membership. Well, proud is still questionable. Today was my first real day in the gym and there are four particularly good things about the gym I have chosen: 1) an ass-load of treadmills; 2) due to the quantity of treadmills, exceeding the 30 min. time limit doesn't seem to be a problem YET ; 3) lots of windows AND 4) AIR CONDITIONING - even the treadmills have little fans that chuff out cool air.
And while I am exceedingly pleased with this, I also felt a sense of mourning as I completed a 6 mi. run on said treadmill. I am sure it is fleeting and I'll get over missing my outdoor run through tree-lined, hilly streets with glimpses of deer feeding in people's yards... Sigh. Oh well, with 90%+ humidity and rain every single day this week, I can get over that sense of nostalgia really quickly. Or better yet, I'll keep it and look forward to returning to it in October, just as the leaves are changing.
So, with today's run, that already puts me up to 18.5 for the week with an average pace of 9 min/mi, and I am planning another run either tomorrow or Saturday. Looks like I will make my 21 this week. I must say, the thought of paying money for a membership is probably one of the biggest motivators and I intend to get my money's worth!
Tag, you guys are it. Deetschei - How is the Big Smoke treating your running lungs? Did you buy one of those stylin' aerodynamic running strollers to take Iz along? Sixpack, how is the job schedule treating you? Consider doing calf flexes while you are standing behind the bar. Forest, how is the running and the training of other runners going?
Thursday, May 28, 2009
I'm A Corporate Gym Sellout and I LOVE it!
Posted by
Dr. Pavement Pounder
7:24 PM
Monday, May 25, 2009
I've been a naughty Drunk Runner
Well folks, I've been bad. I have been running and not telling you about it. In the grand scheme of things, it could be a lot worse. I could not be running and telling you about it or not running and not telling you about it, in which case you would be shooting me evil blogger glares.
A while back I believe I blogged something about running a certain number of miles a week. Well, that didn't happen. I have been running but haven't been consistent in terms of distance/week. Now that the semester is over, I am hoping that this will change. I have managed to at least keep one long run (7 mi.) a week in the schedule. The other run tends to be a 3.5 or 5.5 mi depending on how tired I am/how hot it is that day. Blah! What ever happened to that marathon training I did religiously. Maybe I need to slap together a training plan and post it to the fridge like I did for the marathon. That way, I cross off the runs and feel a sense of accomplishment and when I think about skipping a run, I am confronted with a horrible feeling of failure that guilts me into running. Ah, yes. That sounds like a plan.
However, since I don't have any big race to train for, I have reverted back to my old weight loss running plan of 7-7-7, ideally at a 10 min pace. The rationale being that the longer I run, the more calories I burn. It worked once, not sure it is really "tried and true." I only completed 21 miles once and the rest of the weeks have been, as I said above, about 7-3.5 or 7-5.5 kinds of weeks with a faster pace between 8:55-9:20. So really, I totally suck at sticking to my original plan. I need to find a running buddy to keep me in check.
Anyway, that is really all that I have to share. I am still running. I am planning on running with much more regularity now that it is summer. After yesterday's hot/humid run, I am also strongly considering a gym membership for an air conditioned treadmill... I'll keep you posted.
Run on drunk runners/stumblers/couch potatoes. Run on.
Posted by
Dr. Pavement Pounder
5:35 PM
Monday, May 18, 2009
Chiming in Again
I started a new job two weeks ago, and it has kept me off the roads. I know I sound like a wuss, but I swear my legs have been really tired. Basically, aside from running I've done nothing very physical for years. I've been behind a desk. That's it. So, when I started working as a bartender and put in an 11 hour shift on my second day, it kind of wiped me out.
I managed, despite the difficulties, to go for a three mile run today. It was beautiful. I've discovered the joy of having your partner ride along with you. Three miles isn't a very long bike ride for him, but it is a good run for me. It was sunny, it was a little breezy, and it was all around awesome!!!!
I couldn't find my running watch, so I don't have figures about pace and actual distance. I ran for 30 minutes knowing that my pace would be 10 minutes or better.
That's all for now! Drink on Runners!
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
11:53 PM
Sunday, May 10, 2009
2 miles for Clyde
That's what I'm back up to. I know that's not much but after 8 months off I think it's great. I finally found my mojo and it turns out it was in a the bottom of a battle of New Glarus brew "Coffee Stout". Who new????? Turns out I wasn't looking in the right spot. One night I got in and put on my shorts and shoes and was ready for a run but still couldn't get my butt out the door. I got pissed at myself and cracked the top on a delicious Stout. After I drank that I had the desire to run so I did, only a mile but I ran, I celebrated with a another stout and that folks is where my MOJO is. I am only running 3-4 days a week but I will get my mileage up in away that won't injure me again. I am going to concentrate on building a good base then speed. No marathons for me this year but I am thinking of doing 2 half's in late summer early fall. Today I will be doing my first 3 miler in a while..... well one that will be worth talking about any how. So what does this all tell you? Don't under estimate the POWER OF BEER!
Posted by
Clyde S. Dale
6:43 PM
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Ran 3 Today!
Yay!!!! It's all coming along. The hardest part of getting back into running is being in the middle of a torturous 3-mile run and thinking to yourself, "I used to run marathons!" It's a blow to the psyche. I'm telling you.
That said, it was a good run overall. I went to run with the Madison Front Runners, but no one showed. Evidently they moved their meeting location and failed to update the website. Not very professional if you ask me.
It is a beautiful sunny morning so I was not upset with a run alone. The meeting point was actually along the route of the Madison Marathon so I got to relive some memories of that as I ran the 1.5 miles out and back.
Aches, pains and complaints seem to be minimizing, of which I am quite excited. I've had to start stretching the IT Band a little, but that should be done anyway.
I felt like my time was really slow, but I ended up with an average of 9:36, so I'm not complaining.
Keep on keepin on!
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
4:13 PM