Well, after months of planning I finally did it. 6 miles in one week. In some respects I'm really disappointed that it took this long. In another respect I'm quite proud.
1) The two miles felt good. I ran it at the Dodgeville High School track, which is at a considerable elevation (1211 feet compared to Madison's 863 feet.) I was a little lightheaded but I did well.
2) I'm feeling no pain. That knee pain I've been complaining about for months seems to be working its way out if I build up mileage slowly. So that is exactly what I will do.
3) If I ran 6 miles this week I can do it again next week. Next Saturday I'll be in Madison and I'll run with the FrontRunners. It will be nice to get back into running with a group again. The last year all on my own has been tough. Having a group at least once a week helps keep me motivated. Just like the early DrunkRunner days when we would meet after school.
That's all for the week. There was nothing particularly notable about the runs, except for their mere existence!!!
Week's Data:
Miles: 6.07
Time: 55:46
Average Pace: 9:11 / mile
Overall Impression: I Can Finally Hold My Head Up High As I Call Myself A Drunk Runner! (ICFHMHUHAICMADR!)
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Finally Reached The Elusive 6
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
7:42 PM
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Running Playlist
I have avoided entering a running playlist until now, mostly because I don't run with one. I get very bored very quickly with the same song over and over. So, what I do is set the iPod on shuffle and hit the road. For your reading pleasure I will do that as I write here and enter the results. I'll also be doing what I would do on the road, i.e. Don't like the song? Skip it!
Format: Song Title - Artist, Album
1) I Don't Know What You Want But I Can't Give It Anymore - Pet Shop Boys, Nightlife
2) Some Kind of Miracle - Kelly Clarkson, Thankful
3) Mr. X - Ultravox, Vienna
4) Measure of a Man - Clay Aiken, Measure of a Man
5) The Rose of My Cologne, The Beautiful South, Superbi
6) Wind Beneath My Wings, Elizabeth Withers, It Can Happen to Anyone
7) How Many Words - Blake Lewis, Audio Day Dreams
8) What is Love - Haddaway, Haddaway
9) Mr. Brownstone - Gun N' Roses, Appetite for Destruction
10) I Like the Way You Werk It - Information Society, Synthesizer
11) Reach - Gloria Estefan, Destiny
12) Help Me Remember - Rascal Flatts, Still Feels Good
13) Americanos - Holly Johnson, Blast
14) I Wanna Be A Toy - Dead or Alive, Youthquake
15) Beer For My Horses - Toby Keith, Unleashed
16) Tits on the Radio - Scissor Sisters, Scissor Sisters
17) Stay With Me Tonight - Human League, The Best of Human League
18) Sexkeit - And One, Bodypop
19) Soldat_in oder Veteran - Gustav, Verlass die Stadt
20) Billie Jean - Michael Jackson, Thriller
Okay, those are a few. One more song that has brought inspiration when the run was tough is:
Till I Collapse - Eminem, The Eminem Show
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
4:39 PM
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Yep, I ran 4 whole miles last week. It's slow going, but I'm optimistic. Given the aches and pains I feel when I start to run I've decided I need to make sure to take it very easy.
My times aren't bad. I'm averaging about 9:45 per mile, which is perfectly acceptable. Actually, just to satisfy my critics, any time is perfectly acceptable. I've been a speed demon in the past and it's hurt me. No more! I promise.
The runs have been along beautiful Lake Monona in Madison.One mile out and one mile back takes me almost to the point where this picture was taken and then I head home. In a few weeks, when I actually run a 3-mile run, I'll be running past this point. It's a great path. The sun has been shining, the wind has been relatively calm, and the path is pretty empty. I'm no longer dodging retired walkers, as I did in San Francisco.
Headed out today for another two miles. As soon as I can manage 6 miles in a week I'll start boosting the miles slowly. Until then, keep on Drinking, Runners!
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
4:17 PM
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Motivational speaker
Well I could never be one of them because my motivation has been really low. The desire to run has been their but turning the desire into reality hasn't been an easy thing to do. I did however get out this morning and did a 3 miler which is good but unlike DR.PP I'm going to have to concentrate on miles not time. While running this morning I decided to not look at the Garmin until I was about midway on an out and back and then at the end. I was running and it was feeling good and that is all that matters. I felt like I was making pretty good time felt like a 9:30 pace or so and for me that is good especially after almost a year off from injuries and surgery AGAIN! When I got to the end and checked my time I found out I wasn't as quick as I thought but I'll take it it's a start. I know my time will get better as I get into shape, I'm glad some more of you are getting out as well. It made things so much better sharing the good and the bad and hearing how you all were doing, so I will try and post on a regular basis and will read yours for encouragement. So as they say "WADDLE ON RUNNERS WADDLE ON"!
Posted by
Clyde S. Dale
7:38 PM