Monday, November 03, 2008

This is my Sportsbra...

Hell, why not? Might as well hop on the bandwagon! I, too, have been inspired to lace up the running shoes and hit the road again after a 3 month hiatus. Thanks to the examples set by ROWC and Dr. Deetschei, my competitive nature has been awakened from its lazy, bacon-induced coma. Because ROWC won't toot her own horn, it is my sisterly duty to toot it for her ;) Since April, when she ran her first race - the OKC half-marathon, she has completed two additional races. Her most recent race was a 12k, which she finished with a pace 1 min. faster than her last 5k race! Woohoo! And as far as Dr. Deetschei goes, he totally whomped my time, as he promised to do! I am really proud.

As a matter of fact, I know it isn't quite time for the year in review, but I feel that certain accomplishments should be reiterated. Not only did Sixpack pass his QEs, he also completed another marathon. Not only did I get a job, but I completed my first marathon. Not only did Dr. Deetschei join the ranks as DR., but he completed yet another marathon. Fan-freakin-tastic, folks! And the year isn't even over yet...

Okay, so back to that bacon-induced coma to which I was referring. I totally let myself fall into the routine of slacking by telling myself that the new job was just sucking all my energy and that I deserved to lay around on the couch in front of the tv with what little free time I have had. But enough is enough. The weather has cooled significantly, which makes it a little easier to run than in the summer - however, if you know me, you know that I will now start complaining about how cold my ears are or how I can't feel my kneecaps ;) I can't say that I have definitely convinced myself that I will be attempting to break 4 hrs anytime soon, but I can say that the first step is just getting back into a routine.

Like I said, it has been about 3 months since I last ran. I knew this to be true, not only because my Garmin told me so, but because my lungs felt like they were being jabbed with a glowing fireplace poker within approx. 3 mins of my run. Ok, part of this was due to the stupid pace (8:30) I allowed myself to slip into. I really shouldn't have worn a watch, it only gets me in trouble - remember that competetive side I mentioned... At some point while gasping for air on an uphill climb, I decided to just run as long as I could without doing too much damage to myself. I managed 3 miles with several stops in order not to pass out. DAMN, I hate that I have let myself get so out of shape. Argh! Grrr! S*np@zu$$$! And any others you can think of. Like Sixpack, the next few months will be spent simply getting reacclimated to running and getting the lungs back on board. The legs are sore today (boo!) but nothing a little bit of stair climbing won't fix. I need to look for upcoming local races to keep me on track and to keep me from backsliding. I'll keep you posted.

Again, I want to tell both ROWC and Dr. Deetschei what great inspirations they have been!


Sixpack Chopra said...

Go, Dr. PP! (the child in me still giggles when I type Dr. PP! I just can't help it.)

Welcome back to the realm of the DrunkRunner. We can work through this together. I've actually allowed RunnersWorld to make my schedule again, and will follow 13 week training plan for a 1/2 marathon, which will get my mileage up in time for the beginning of my new plan.

Let us know when you pick a race!

dr. deetschei said...


get in there, girl!
i know you have a sub-four hour marathon in you. now go and beat my time!