Yeah, I know. It's a boring title, but it's kind of motivating for me. I'm on quite a roll right now. I can't remember the last time I made 3 1/2 weeks of training runs uninterrupted. It's been great. I'm doing great. I'm feeling great.
Can't complain. I've added a few exercises to my normal run preparations. In addition to some ab work, which is doing good things, I've also added some calf work which my PT recommended the last time I was complaining of ankle pain. So, I do those exercises every time I'm headed out for a run, and I really do think it's helping. I haven't had ankle issues in over a week despite the fact that mileage is increasing every week.
This week was 9 miles. Quite a jump up from the 7 miles the week before, and it left me quite exhausted. Monday was a long day of stair climbing. Quads and Hams were sore and the calves were not much better. It felt amazing!!!
Running 4 miles on Sunday was quite a milestone. I was tempted to walk some, but didn't. I ran the whole thing. As Deetschei put it on the phone the other day, "Remember when running 5 miles was just a warmup?" It's tough to think back to those days, but I'll get there. Slowly but surely.
This weekend: London, the Thames, Warm English Beer, and Two Runs. I can't wait. It's a 10 mile week and I'll be with Deetschei for 8 of them.
Week in Review:
Miles: 9
Time: 56:21
Average: 9:35
Overall Impression: Neither Snow Nor Sleet Nor Drunken Night Will Keep Me From My Run! (NSNSNDNWKMFMR)
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Week 3 of 40
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
10:11 PM
Monday, November 24, 2008
Marathon Plus Three Weeks
Today marks the four week mark from the marathon, and I celebrated by running the five miles I wanted to run yesterday. I was intent on running yesterday. I really did want to. But it was freezing, literally. And it was raining. And as I was peering out the window debating on whether the rain had let up enough that I would only get wet and not drenched, Tessa pointed out that to run for an hour in the rain when not specifically training for something bordered on the insane. I looked at her, saw the wisdom in her beautiful brown eyes, and decided she spoke the truth. Why the hell would I run in freezing rain unless I had to?
So we went to the science museum instead and played with an infrared camera that could show the outline of her bra through her sweater. Sweet.
Since I skipped Sunday’s run, I only ran eleven miles last week. But since those levven came in two runs, I was pleased. Tuesday’s run was six miles, and Thursday’s run was five. I must say that these runs do continue to leave me exhausted at the end of the day, but my legs felt pretty strong throughout the runs themselves. I was looking forward to a solid three run/fifteen mile week, which is why the rain yesterday disappointed me a little. BUT, having said that, I’m cool with two runs for eleven miles.
Besides, I was reading some articles on Runner’s World, and they were pretty unanimous in stating that recovery from a marathon takes four weeks. That means that my taking it easy was in line with my recovery, and now I should be free to slowly build back up to twenty mile weeks.
But lets not get ahead of ourselves. This week I will be running three miles on Tuesday, three miles on Friday, and five miles on Sunday. The last two runs have a super significance because Sixpack will indeed be blessing London from his Sixpackmobile this Thanksgiving, and we will have the chance to run together for the first time in, um, literally years I think. (Dude, when was the last time we ran together, anyway?) I’m looking forward to depleting London’s wine and beer supplies with him and then hitting some of the paths through the urban jungle that I term “running routes.”
It’s gonna be sweet.
Week in Review
Total Miles: Eleven
Total Time: No Idea
Average: Got Me
Overall Impression: Loving the fact that I’m mobile. (L.T.F.T.I.M.)
Posted by
dr. deetschei
5:17 PM
Friday, November 21, 2008
The Trials! The Fibrulations!
Well, it snowed today! Yes, folks. Sixpack had to run in the snow for the first time in a very long time. Wait. I don't think Sixpack has ever run in the snow. He wasn't a runner when he moved to California. F@#$%^& Hell! This makes today a Banner Day!
When I awoke it was snowing. Not hard, but those great big flakes that are fantastic for snowballs. I decided to wait it out and see if it was going to continue or stop. It stopped. At 1 p.m. I went out for my 3 mile run. It was freezing! Literally. (I can finally say that.) I don't have a hat yet, but I will be getting one soon. I wore my gloves, my tights, my running jacket. I was bundled up. Much of the run was pretty uneventful. There were a few puddles that were not fun to deal with, but I managed.
Getting home I was absolutely exhausted. My quads have been heavy since the run. Living on the fourth floor doesn't help. I'm hoping that just means it was a good workout. I feel great otherwise. And especially proud that I didn't let a little bit of snow get in the way of completing one of my runs. So far, I'm on a three week streak, and I'm loving it. Feeling fitter every week, and my ankle seems to be getting stronger. Wish me luck for the 4 miles on Sunday. Ugh!!
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
4:01 PM
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The progress of a stumbler!
Well folks it was a rough start! I went out for a 2 mile walk last Tuesday or so, but that was the last one. I have got an infection in my shoulder (well ....... had) and it has been really tender. I can't seem to find my motivation, it's hid worse than my balance on a good night of drinking! In time I'm sure I will find it again, I just wish I hadn't lost it. I never thought I would say this but I wish Sybil would come back, I could really use her right now to push and annoy the living day lights out of me.
Posted by
Clyde S. Dale
5:25 PM
Setting a Marathon Goal
Read a brief blurb in Runners World recently. I don't know what the overall article was about, but it suggested a very sensible strategy for setting your next time goal for a marathon. You should in fact, have about 4 goals.
1) Your training goal. What goal do you want to attain in your next marathon while you are training.
2) Closer to race day this goal is adjusted to an ideal goal. What time would leave you absolutely ecstatic?
3) What goal do you think you can easily attain. Given a few kinks, where do you know you are fit enough to come in.
4) What makes the day worth it. If cramps hit at mile 16 what time will still leave you with head high at the end of the day.
An example:
1) training goal: 3:00
2) Adjusted race day goal: 3:15
3) Easily attainable: 3:45
4) Still acceptable: under 4
Finally, and most importantly NO ONE ELSE should know about goal #2. That way, if you do hit it, EVERYONE is ecstatic. And if you only hit goal 3. Only you know that that wasn't the real one.
Just a little FYI. So, when I tell you my goal is to always kick Clyde's ass, you will know that my true goal is to make him look like a little wussy girl!!!!
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
4:01 PM
Monday, November 17, 2008
Week 2 of 40
This week went pretty well. I must say. So far the streak of workouts has extended to two weeks. Something I am very proud of. It's been a very long time since I could say that I had run everyone of my training runs.
Numbers are still very low, and even the recovering Dr. Deetschei is whooping my butt. However, the miles are good. My times are coming down on my shorter runs, but I did learn yesterday that my longer runs are going to suffer for some time. Not that that's to be unexpected.
Yesterday was the first 3 mile run. It's been a long time (get used to that phrase, I have a feeling as I continue training I'll be using it a lot) since I thought that 3 miles was a long run, but it sure felt like it. When I got to the halfway point it was hard for me to believe that I still had to run all the way home. Right now, I'm making sure I'm doing out and back runs. It's a good way of making sure I can't chicken out. Plus, I'm looking forward to seeing just how far I can go. As many of you know there is a canal through Berlin, and I live about 1/2 mile from it. I run to the canal and then run along it until I reach 1/2 way. Yesterday this meant that I ran one mile along the canal before turning around. It's quite nice, but I must say playing "Dodge the Smoking Germans" is not necessarily my favorite past time.
And about smoking! It's incredible here. You can't escape it. On a 3 mile run I encounter at least a dozen cigarettes. I've thought about counting, but it would just upset me. In fact, to let you know how prevalent smoking is here, I'll provide and example from my marathon book that arrived today "Marathon unter 4 H in 6 Monaten" (Marathon under 4 hours in 6 months). One of the example people for checking whether one is fit enough smokes. The suggestion was not that the person quit, but that he cut back on his smoking. Can you imagine training for a marathon and still smoking? I can't. Yes, Dr. PP we know about your friend, but seriously.
Dist: 7 miles
Time: 65:40
Pace: 9:23
Overall Impression: Legs Still Feeling Good. I Think The Situps May Be Helping. (LSFG.ITTSMBH.)
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
9:19 PM
Running Again
Last week I ran three runs for a total of thirteen miles. It was pretty straightforward. On Tuesday I ran five miles. Thursday was four. Sunday I completed four in the misty rain.
I was really pleased because the five mile run occurred exactly two weeks after the Dublin Marathon, and I felt really empowered by the fact that I could manage a decent distance without having any problems so soon after the marathon. Once I knew I could run the five miles (gingerly, of course), my next question was wether I could string together a week of runs. I didn’t want to try for four runs in a week yet because I think its still way too early for that. But three runs seemed like a doable task.
My four mile run on Thursday was the real test because it required me to go out with only one day’s rest since the last run. I was surprised by how un-problematic it was. I expected some weak knees and tightness in my quads, but I really didn’t have any problems after the first mile. The same could be said about Sunday. I felt a little sore and tight for the first half mile, but by the time I was wrapping up the run near Tessa’s parent’s house, I felt remarkably strong.
One of the nice things about running the shorter distances is that there is really no pressure to “train.” In fact, I haven’t even been timing these runs. I haven’t even been using the NikePlus or my iPod. It has just been me and the runs. And I really like that. I even got to run through a park near Tessa's parent's house that I hadn't run in for ages because I have recently been concentrating on such long hauls and didn't have time for it. Running through the park was like catching up with an old friend.
I don’t think I would be a very happy camper right now if I couldn’t run at least a little bit, so once again I stand here amazed at how well this whole entire marathon experience has gone, compared to the last one. No, that does not mean I will be training for another one any sooner than my two mile self-imposed hiatus…but I can envision jogging throughout the winter and hopefully therefore avoiding both the holiday weight gain that tends to accompany all of that eating that I plan on doing, and the sympathy weight I will probably put on as I continue to snack along with my pregnant wife while watching Strictly Come Dancing. Thank god I can run, because I would hate to say no to all those Rittersport and cookies!
Week In Review
Total Miles Run: 13
Total Time: No Idea
Overall Impression: Woohoo! I’m Not Crippled! (W!INC!)
Posted by
dr. deetschei
9:50 AM
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Working my way back into it
I really want to avoid the four month lay-off that I had after my last marathon and have been very carefully easing my way back into running. I've been taking it easy, but am proud to say that I ran three miles twice last week. The first run was done very gingerly, and I could definitely feel some stiffness in my knee and quads. By the second run, I felt a little bit more, um, normal during the runs. The only real difference was that I was absolutely beat AFTER my runs. By the time I was ready to go to bed on both nights, I felt like I had run a lot more than three miles.
Yesterday I decided to try five miles. I like five miles because it is a route I have run a million times, and it is a route that at least takes me to the threshold of Greenwich Park. Even if I don't get into the park, I like the feeling of being able to run far enough so that I may actually see it.
In short, the run went really well. And I slept really well again last night. Its amazing but I think that if I keep on taking it easy for the next few weeks, I should be running again like normal within a month. And if things really go well, I would like to run a half marathon sometime this spring. With a jogging stroller and a baby! :)
Posted by
dr. deetschei
3:39 PM
Bay to Breakers report!
Well folks knowing that a good percentage of us are Bay to Breakers Alumni I thought you would be interested to know that it is a marathon! Well at least that was the comment on the television shoe Eli Stone. The line was quote " I haven't sweat that much since the Bay to Breakers Marathon" end quote. So we can all add one or more marathons to our tally board, I mean come on it was on TV so it has to be true.
Posted by
Clyde S. Dale
3:16 PM
Monday, November 10, 2008
Forest is done now!!
Hello fellow drunk runners,
Posted by
Clyde S. Dale
1:20 AM
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Week 1 of 40
Yep, that's right. 40 weeks to train for the next marathon. I'm already really glad I have given myself so much time, because, let me tell you, I was out of shape. I use that "was" lightly. I am still out of shape, but already feeling better than I was.
I've crossed a bit of a hurdle this week. As of today, I have successfully completed 5 consecutive training runs. I haven't done that since perhaps April. I haven't always kept such good records, so I can't be exactly sure.
This weeks goal was simply to get back on course. I've run the numbers for a 1/2 marathon training course that will finish right when I should be starting the other training, i.e. Sub 4-hour Marathon in 6 months (the book has not yet arrived). This means I was slated for 6 miles this week, which I have completed.
Each run got successively easier, to the point that I already know that running 3-miles next Sunday will not be a big deal. Which, I'm very excited about. If it is this easy this early, hopefully my muscles will continue to remember the strains it has previously been under, and will continue to perform.
The Garmin running watch is also great. It has freed me up a lot in my running. I just need to consult it occasionally to find out where I am and when I need to turn around. Right now I'm not so worried about time, although I'm averaging a good pace. A pace, that if I can keep it up, will mean only needing to take 16 seconds off per mile in order to run a sub 4-hour race. Not bad. Not bad.
Next week: 7 miles.
This Week's Stats:
Distance: 6 miles
Time: 55:33
Average Pace: 9:16
Overall Impression: Is This Thing On? Am I Really Running That Fast Already? (ITTO?AIRRTFA?)
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
2:10 PM
Thursday, November 06, 2008
First Post-Marathon RUn
I had my first post-marathon run yesterday. It was ten days after the marathon, and it lasted three miles.
There's not too much to report, other than it was another run in the rain and I didn't have too many problems. I didn't have any problems, really. Although, I could tell that I didn't have much more in the tank than three miles. By the time I got home, my legs were increasingly tired and I could feel my knee slowly tightening up. By the end of the night, my legxs felt like they had run ten miles!
I'm going to run two tomorrow, and will let you all know how the post-marathon running continues.
Posted by
dr. deetschei
8:25 AM
Monday, November 03, 2008
This is my Sportsbra...
As a matter of fact, I know it isn't quite time for the year in review, but I feel that certain accomplishments should be reiterated. Not only did Sixpack pass his QEs, he also completed another marathon. Not only did I get a job, but I completed my first marathon. Not only did Dr. Deetschei join the ranks as DR., but he completed yet another marathon. Fan-freakin-tastic, folks! And the year isn't even over yet...
Okay, so back to that bacon-induced coma to which I was referring. I totally let myself fall into the routine of slacking by telling myself that the new job was just sucking all my energy and that I deserved to lay around on the couch in front of the tv with what little free time I have had. But enough is enough. The weather has cooled significantly, which makes it a little easier to run than in the summer - however, if you know me, you know that I will now start complaining about how cold my ears are or how I can't feel my kneecaps ;) I can't say that I have definitely convinced myself that I will be attempting to break 4 hrs anytime soon, but I can say that the first step is just getting back into a routine.
Like I said, it has been about 3 months since I last ran. I knew this to be true, not only because my Garmin told me so, but because my lungs felt like they were being jabbed with a glowing fireplace poker within approx. 3 mins of my run. Ok, part of this was due to the stupid pace (8:30) I allowed myself to slip into. I really shouldn't have worn a watch, it only gets me in trouble - remember that competetive side I mentioned... At some point while gasping for air on an uphill climb, I decided to just run as long as I could without doing too much damage to myself. I managed 3 miles with several stops in order not to pass out. DAMN, I hate that I have let myself get so out of shape. Argh! Grrr! S*np@zu$$$! And any others you can think of. Like Sixpack, the next few months will be spent simply getting reacclimated to running and getting the lungs back on board. The legs are sore today (boo!) but nothing a little bit of stair climbing won't fix. I need to look for upcoming local races to keep me on track and to keep me from backsliding. I'll keep you posted.
Again, I want to tell both ROWC and Dr. Deetschei what great inspirations they have been!
Posted by
Dr. Pavement Pounder
1:44 AM
Sunday, November 02, 2008
This Is My Hat.....
And this is me throwing it in the ring.
I've decided to take up Deetschei's challenge, and have already chosen my next marathon. It is November 2, and they are currently running the New York Marathon. What better day to make such an anouncement than today?
My plan is as follows:
For the next several months I work on getting my fitness back. I'm still able to run 2 miles with little soreness. Mind you, I haven't run 3 times in a week since sometime in May, maybe even April. So, it's been a while. November, December and January will be rough months while I increase weekly mileage by 10% every week.
Staying on track of this will mean that by the end of February I will be running 21 miles per week. Not bad for someone in my current condition. I'm toying with the idea of working up to 4 runs per week in the near future. The next few weeks would look like this:
Week 1: 3 runs at 2 miles
Week 2: 2 runs at 2 miles, 1 run at 3 miles
Week 3: 4 runs at 2 miles
Week 4: 3 runs at 2 miles, 1 run at 3 miles
Week 5: 2 runs at 2 miles, 2 runs at 3 miles
And so on, until I am running 4 times a week at 5 miles per.
In March the true training begins. I have ordered the book: Sub 4H Marathon in 6 months. Actually, it's called Marathon unter 4H in 6 Monaten--the book is not available in English. I've not read it yet, but am already toying with the idea of offering to translate the book for Runner's World (It's their book). It's really something that should be available for the English market, but that's another story.
6 months of training takes me to the beginning August and to the Paavo Nurmi Marathon on August 8 in Hurley, WI. It's way northern Wisconsin. In fact, it lies just a bit south of Lake Superior on the Michigan border. WAAAAAYYYY North. It will be a good race to try to break 4 hours on, because it should be relatively flat, as most of northern Wisconsin is. It's also nearby, and I can drive there. I'll do my best to make sure Forest joins me at least as a spectator. I'll need to import as many as possible, because there are only winner's medals for the first 300 entrants. I'm guessing this means they rarely have more than 300 entries.
So that's that. I'm off today for a 2 mile run and the true beginning of my training. I ran on Friday, but that will not count toward my plan. Just a little warm up.
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
1:29 PM