To one and all it is Forest's birthday today!!! He is turning, if memory serves me correctly, 38!!!
It was probably Forest who first encouraged me to run. I remember the glorious day in the mid-eighties when I realized I could run faster than he could! It was brilliant! Of course, it was tempered with the fact that I would eventually have to stop running, and he could just wait until then to beat me up, but for one glorious moment I lived that famous scene in Chariots of Fire. I WAS running. Running was me!
So for his inspiration a take my hat off to Forest on this, his birthday!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Happy Birthday Forest!!!
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
5:39 PM
Monday, October 29, 2007
Twice in One Week???? What a Schock!
Just thought I would round out my last posting by filling you in on the rest of runs for the week. Ginifer came over and we did a challenging 3.5 miler. I have NO idea why we were totally gassed, but we were. I like to chalk it up to over training, but maybe that is just the cowards way out. The slower pace worked out well for me though, because I was sore from the 5 mi. the day before and had to run the 8 mi. the next day. So, I enjoyed plodding along.
I had some doubts as to whether I would a) actually run the 8 mi. and b) if I would actually finish the 8 mi. on Sunday. But, I am happy to report that I finished in one piece, my legs are still attached although my legs are rebelling and might secede to Mexico. I started out too fast, as always, but over the course of the run, I managed to slow the pace down so that I could maintain it. Not including stop lights, I only stopped about twice briefly. I still kept my avg. pace under the training plan by almost 2 mins., so I really do need to play with the numbers like Don mentioned. Starting this week, I think I am going to keep my running days down to what is prescribed on the plan, so that I can continue to walk instead of limp!
Final Report:
Miles: 24.1
Time: 3:53:07
Avg. Pace: 9:40
Observations: Looks like there is going to be a battle at the Alamo, if my legs don't start cooperating!
Posted by
Dr. Pavement Pounder
3:10 PM
Saturday, October 27, 2007
I Have Not Forsaken Thee, Oh Sixpack Chopra and Fellow Drunk Runners
For the last several weeks I have been averaging about 10 miles a week. Not impressive, but running is running. This week I starting training seriously with a training plan I put together at It needs some tweaking, because right now it has my pace at a painfully slow 11:55 for my 8 mile run tomorrow. I need to fiddle with the numbers a bit, because it still has me running in the 11s even right before the marathon. Is this standard? I know that race day adrenaline kicks in and people run faster than their training pace, but really?
So far I have run a couple or 3.5 milers and yesterday was a 5 mile tempo run. I managed to keep my average pace more than a minute under the 10.17 pace set by the training plan. Like I said, I need to tweak the numbers. Today Ginifer and I are going to run a nice 4 miler and then tomorrow I am set for my longest run (an 8 miler) since about May. I might be overdoing it the first week, because I have been adding extra miles to the plan, but I need to get my lungs and legs back in this game! It is the long runs that I find mentally daunting, simply because it has been so long since I did one. But I just need to put together a kick-ass running mix, eat my carbs the night before and load up on water (Note: I did not say cut out the alcohol!)
Stats for the week so far:
Miles: 12.1
Time: 1:53:15
Avg. Pace: 9:21
Observations: Dear Running, I have missed you greatly these last few months. I hope you aren't angry that I abandoned you briefly. Can we still be friends? Sincerely, Dr. Pavement Pounder
Posted by
Dr. Pavement Pounder
4:46 PM
Monday, October 15, 2007
Houston, We have a Bigger Problem!
I went to the Houston Marathon website today to register for the race, and they are Sold Out!!!! I don't even know what to say, except: AAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! (a la Lucy from Peanuts).
What do we do? Another race later? Huh? HELP!!!!
I've checked a little further since my outburst this afternoon, and there is an option to transfer bids at the Houston Marathon! We are still in the game. Roughly 1700 people end up transferring bids, which means there are usually plenty to go around! Here's hoping it works! I've already put in a posting to transfer a bib. If you need one, you should put in your posting as well.
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
11:59 PM
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Houston We Have a Problem!
It seems the Houston Marathon is falling apart and I need some help!! I'm determined to run this marathon, and to beat my personal record! As it looks with Forest out of the running (pun intended) and Dr. PP (Dr. PeePee?) seemingly lagging in the polls, we clearly need a boost here.
I'll be running the Houston Marathon, but it is going to be a stretch. Mind you the race is in 13 weeks or so, and I just had a 12 mile week. Unbelievable, but it can be done! I don't know what kind of support we need, but we need something. Forest, would you still consider being Snack Bitch? Or even walking it? Deetschei, any chance of a flight across the pond? How about you Tequila? Where have all my Drunkrunner friends gone?
I've had a decent week this week. I posted about my Tuesday run, so I'll skip to yesterday and today. I ran a 6 miler yesterday. Average pace just under 11 minutes, which is right on track for my training schedule. The first mile was 9:30. That was a mistake, but it was Golden Gate Park and it was all downhill. I ran with the gay boys, as I do, and it was an amusing run. I left with the gang at 9 a.m. and I was clearly the last place finisher coming in. Except they only have a 5 mile course, so as I was coming in last, I still had another mile to run. As I crossed the 5 mile mark it was clear they hadn't yet had the end of the run powwow, so I headed off hopeful I might make it to the powwow. However, by the time I was finished with my run they were all gone!! That's right, they left without me. I guess they couldn't wait for me to finish my snail's pace run.
The great news is that I ran 6 miles and I'm psyched. Lance Armstrong also spoke to me again, and I was very excited by that. Weigh in today at was 189.5 pounds. That's 10 pounds less than last month and the first time I've been under 190 in a couple years. I was a vegetarian the last time I was under 190.
So, things are moving on and I'm doing great. 2 more runs scheduled for this week and I'm feeling more confident about the race every day.
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
5:10 PM
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
The Backman woes continue.
So I have been doing real well with my training, My times are in the 9:30's even on my 7 miler which is a full minute better than most of my paces last year. But I regret to inform that I will be unable to do the Houston marathon with ya'll. I just got back from an Orthopedic surgeon visit for my shoulder which has been giving me trouble for about 31/2 years now, normally a cortisone shot kills the pain. The first lasted 11 months, 2ND one 9 months, third 3 months and this last one 4 DAYS. I have to set up some time to get some bone shaved and a tendon repaired and possibly more if I tore a whole in my rotator cuff. The surgeon wanted me to have an MRI done, I asked if that would stop me from having surgery (knowing it wouldn't) and of course he said no, it was just so he knew what he was looking at. I told him I didn't want the out of pocket expense for a third MRI this year. I told him if he found more than what the x-ray showed while he had me open then well he should just fix it. I'll be asleep so I won't complain and you can tell me all about as a bed side story when I wake up. He laughed and said that's a bit old fashioned, but he liked my attitude. So I'll be down from running for a month or so depending on what they find in their, but I'll be off work for about 3months. So maybe I could be the nutrition packet bitch and cheer leader. I was really looking forward to this marathon. Well maybe next time.
Posted by
Clyde S. Dale
11:01 PM
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Five Miles to the Top of the World
Today's prescription was for a five mile run. I was a bit hesitant, but decided to plow ahead. The schedule called for a one-mile warm-up, a 3-mile run at 9:23, and a one-mile cooldown. I really wasn't so sure about that pace, because it was a full 1:30 faster than anything I had run recently. It's at moments like this that I thank god for the treadmill. There's certainly something to be said for a machine that you just strap yourself to and it forces you to run the pace, no matter what.
I was able to complete the run with little difficulty. There were a few moments of stress in the middle where I was breathing heavy and praying for the finish line, but I got through them and continued on.
All in all a great run, and my longest yet. I'd also like to note that I was forced to run this one without an iPod, which means when I kick y'alls asses in the challenge, you will know that there were extra miles that didn't even get recorded.
Distance: 5 miles
Time: 50:08
Pace: 10:01
Impression: Next Time I'm Running My Marathon On A Treadmill! (NTIRMMOAT!)
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
8:43 PM
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Body For Life Week 3
Since my life is presently wrapped up in my body (existentially, I guess it always has been, but sometimes we forget that) I'm reporting on all aspects of life this week. The marathon training started 4 weeks ago, and the Body for Life started 3 weeks ago. In the past three weeks I have lost 9 pounds, and dropped my body fat percentage to 20%--Next week's goal is to get that down to 19%. I'm feeling really, really great!
The workouts on the program are tough. I'm always exhausted afterwards, but feel stronger every day. I know that I have put on muscle, which is something that I probably haven't done since I was a bartender with too much free time about 6 years ago. I hope you want to hear all of this, because I'm now beginning to understand the passionate devotion to Body-For-Life that everyone you have ever known on it exhibited. The amount of energy you have, and the control you start to feel over your own body, and more importantly your life, just seems to grow every day.
The running is also going well. As you know I'm scheduled to run 3 times a week. I only ran twice last week, but I allowed that. I had two wisdom teeth pulled on Saturday, and aside from enjoying another round of vicodin, I've not really been in shape to run. I'm concerned the pounding and the breathing are maybe not the best things for a pulled tooth. So, that cancelled the 5-mile run I was supposed to do this weekend. The first two runs of the week went really well though!! Clocking in at 3- and 4-miles, I was feeling great. Both runs involved some pretty intense hills, but were conquered in average times of under 11 minutes, which has me very excited.
As you can tell, things are looking good!!! My back issues are minimizing and my inversion table should be here any day now. Nothing but positive mojo to report!!!!!!
Your Positive Polly,
Sixpack Chopra
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
4:53 PM
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Starting to Hear Voices
On Saturday, I went for a 4-mile run and at the end of it, Paula Radcliffe (I wish I could write that in her cute little accent) congratulated my on my longest run. I was so proud, but then began to wonder if I wasn't just starting to hear voices.
The run went well. I went with the gay boys in Golden Gate Park. I took last place, but I was just fine with that. This was my first 4-mile run in a long time, so just finishing made me very happy. It was a beautiful day (we've been seeing a lot of them lately) so I really couldn't complain.
I ran another 3-miles today on the Berkeley Firetrails. Well, I ran very little on the Firetrails, because by the time Jenn and I (don't ask) had reached the Firetrails, we had already covered almost half of the run. It was a great run, although I thought my heart was going to explode before I got to the halfway point. 1.5 miles uphill at this point was very, very difficult, but that 1.5 miles downhill? They were fucking amazing!
My leg is still not 100%. In fact, I've ordered an inversion table and it should be here this week, and I look forward to seeing if that helps me get rid of this. Relieving the tension and pressure on my spine should help relieve the pinched nerve. At the very least, I hope it helps me maintain my training.
Peace out y'all.
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
8:28 PM