Well, it's week two of BFL, and week 3 of marathon training. So, after getting home from my painting class at midnight, I set my alarm for 7:30 a.m. and got up to do today's 3 mile run. I was a little worried, as the symptoms of my pinched nerve may have moved to the other cheek. I woke up this morning with the dull ache of a pinced sciatic nerve in my left glute.
Not to be deterred, I bounced out of bed, put on my shoes, and headed out the door. Then I had to come back in, because I had completely forgotten shorts and a shirt. It's a liberal city, but there are limits. I decided to go again to Kezar stadium for two reasons.
1) It's flat, and I'm still trying to gain some speed.
2) It's measured so I could check the calibration of my Nike+.
It was a great run. It's a beautiful day here. 76 degrees is the predicted high, and the sun is ashining! The track was beautiful, and not too crowded. The first mile went well, and before I knew it I was 1/2 way done. Then I noticed something! I was actually speeding up a little bit. According to my stopwatch I did the final mile in 10 minutes. Even Lance came on to tell me that I had run a new personal record for the mile!!!
I realized that this was a new personal record with the new chip, but considering my recent start from scratch I was totally psyched to hear him! My chip tells me my pace was 10:29! That's a 45 second improvement on my pace, since tuesday!!!!!!!
Now, an issue. The chip measured 3 miles at the same point the track measured almost 3.25 miles. I clearly need to calibrate the chip to get better accuracy. This improved accuracy would also improve my pace. According to my stopwatch my pace was just a hair over 10:00/mile. Woo Hoo!!!!
So, that's my excitement for the week. I need to stretch when I get home, because I'm still having those butt pains, but I've dealt with these for years. Especially when I was a bartender. I know how to get rid of them.
Run: 3 miles
Pace: 10:00
Overall Impression: I'm the Man, Man! And Get the F*%$, Outta My Way!! (ITMM!AGTFOMW!)
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Lance Armstrong Spoke to Me!
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
6:54 PM
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Words to live by!!
As Ben Franklin said, "In WINE there is WISDOM, in BEER there is FREEDOM, in water there is bacteria."In a number of carefully controlled trials, scientists have demonstrated that if we drink 1 liter of watereach day, at the end of the year we would haveabsorbed more than 1 kilo of Escherichia coli, (E.coli) - bacteria found in feces.In other words, we are consuming 1 kilo of POOP.
However, we do NOT run that risk when drinking wine and beer (or tequila, rum, whiskey or other liquor)because alcohol has to go through a purification process of boiling, filtering and/or fermenting.
Water = Poop
Wine = Health!
Therefore, it's better to drink wine and talk stupid,than to drink water and be full of crap.
There is no need to thank me for this valuableinformation; I'm doing it as a public service.
Posted by
Clyde S. Dale
9:02 PM
Monday, September 24, 2007
New Nike+ Chip
I've had to replace my old chip. I think it just decided to stop working because I shoved it in a drawer for 2 months. In fact, it probably still works, but my 2 hours of attempts to fix it, means a trip to the apple store, which I seem to be doing far too often anyway. Instead, I just bought a new one, and it is primed and ready to go for tomorrow!!!!!!
I'll be running 3 times this week, so look for my times and my distances right here. It presently has my last run as 7/3/07, because I didn't run with a chip for the last two weeks. I'll just hand those runs over to the gods, without recording them!
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
5:28 PM
The 100 Mile Challenge
I've set up a Nike+ 100-mile challenge for the first to 100 miles. It's a motivator for those that are looking for the inspiration to get back on the road, and for those on the "Road to Houston."
If you would like to be added, I can do that!
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
5:25 PM
Sunday, September 23, 2007
A Weekly Update
Body: I'm doing great. Lost 5 pounds in the first week, and I can already see my waist getting slimmer. I'm still sore from that evil workout on Wednesday, but I'm getting better.
Running: I biked on Tuesday. With a dentist's appointment in Berkeley. I biked to the BART station, to the dentist, and to campus. A total of about 7 miles all told. So I didn't run. Thursday I ran the 3 miles previously mentioned. Yesterday, I decided I was still too sore and that another 3 miles would risk injury, so I took the day off.
Tomorrow is another day and weightlifting begins again in earnest. I'll be upping some running miles, and hoping that the lack of miles this week doesn't hurt me too much.
Thats all from my corner.
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
5:11 PM
Friday, September 21, 2007
I do believe after today's run that the program we are on should be renamed the Body-Till-Death, as it is more appropriate to it's clear goal of driving me to my deathbed as soon as possible. Steve and I have been on the Body-for-Life program for 4 days now. I've done all of the workouts and they are tough. Let me tell you. The upper body workout left my arms tired for the rest of the day. And the lower body workout yesterday? I'm sore, sore, sore. I'm talking yesterday was a marathon sore. In fact, the 3-mile run I went on this morning was the hardest run I've had since the last three miles of the San Francisco Marathon over a year ago. It was hell!
I knew it was going to be tough, so I went to Kezar stadium where I could measure the run precisely, and most importantly it's flat. Having a level playing field, I knew, was the only way I was going to make it through. And boy was I right. In a three mile run, the fastest, I repeat the FASTEST mile, was 11:30. That's pretty slow. And it just got worse. I was so sore, it was all I could do to just keep running. I was ready to quit at 6 laps, then Sybil, damn her! said I could do 2 miles. Then the bitch said that if I finished two miles I should at least do 2 more laps to make this run a little longer, which was the purpose of the run. Of course, at 2.5 miles I might as well finish. On the last lap, I chanted "Running Without my Body" and it worked. I finished the lap in a record 3:11. I felt great!!!!
Well, I felt great to have finished and to have pushed myself to do a run that I wouldn't normally have taken on. I am still sore, and will be sore even tomorrow.
The good news is that I'm feeling great. We are sticking very strictly to the diet and enjoying more energy already. You'll soon be be hearing more about how the weight is coming off and how the running is going, but for now, I'm thrilled.
Sixpack Chopra
Your Leader
P.S. Thanks Amy for the last comment. It was very encouraging to hear that your husband had been so successful.
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
1:38 AM
Monday, September 17, 2007
12-Steps and my Body-For-Life
It's strange to say, but I/we are getting very excited for the beginning the Body-For-Life program. This is going to seem a little bit like a 12 step program, but I want you all to know about it, so that there is plenty of accountability. You know that part during AA where you have to apologize to all your friends, etc. Well, this is kind of like that.
I'm not exactly sure what I expect from the program, but here are my goals:
1) As of this writing I weight 200 lbs. (I just weighed myself) and have 22% bodyfat. Clearly, I would like that to be a little lower. I'm not wanting to look like Arnold, but would be happy to drop my bodyfat by about 10 points, and lower my weight to something under 190.
2) Feel better on a daily basis. Don't get me wrong, I don't feel bad most days, but there are some when I just feel sluggish and worn out. I don't think that will happen after a few weeks on the program.
3) Get stronger. I'm in the weightlifting class, and will incorporate BFL into that class.
4) Get ready for the marathon. I'm pretty sure the plan will accomodate my training, but I will be monitoring it closely as the miles are added on. I may need to up some calories later on, but I'll see how that goes.
5) Enjoy life!
As a further point, I'm giving you the opportunity to see my before pictures, before there is an after. it also fulfills my promise to submit speedo pictures, although at this point in the game they aren't great. If it weren't the most humiliating thing I think I've done, and therefore the most motivating, I wouldn't even be posting them here. But a promise is a promise. WARNING: If you have never seen a German in a Speedo, you might consider skipping the next section.
So there you have it. That is the body that I hope to get rid of over the next 12 weeks. I know I can count on your support, and my BFL updates will become part of my running posts for the next 12 weeks or more.
Now on to running:
I ran the full 6 miles my program calls for this week. I didn't run the two miles yesterday that I was supposed to, but I did put them on today, which was great. I had a nice run right here by the house. It's a little hilly for week one, but it was good. I'm feeling good, leg/back pain is not bad. Very minor, and I assume this will work itself out as I lose a little weight. We'll see.
Distance: 4 miles
Time: 43:06
Average Mile: 10:45 / mile
Overall Impression: Hey, Who's That Riding On My Back? (HWTROMB?)
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
3:13 AM
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Quack Quack Quack
Well, after 6 weeks I finally went to see the PM&R doctor. I'll spare you the lecture he gave me about my IT Band, which took way too long, I knew was not the answer, and which he himself admitted was about 30% likely to have been the source of my problem.
The other 70% is what the PT told me months ago: I more than likely have a bulging disk in the L4, L5 area and that is putting pressure on the Sciatic nerve. Glad I waited 6 weeks for a Dr. to tell me that. He also said there is not much that can be done to treat it. Things like ice, pain killers, and accupuncture can help with the symptoms, but recovery has to happen on its own. So, I'm going to try accupuncture and see what that does. He gave me a referral. At the very least I would like to have some time without pain. Oh, and my favorite line: If you are still in pain in 6 weeks, come back to see me. Which means I'll be seen 6 weeks from then. Ugh. I hope this just works itself out on its own.
Running/training news. Many of you know that my partner Steve could use to lose a little weight. He's been telling me for five years that his diet will start next week. Well, next week is Monday. We've taken a look at the Body-for-Life program and it works for us [I'm too lazy to figure out the hyperlink right now, but check it out at www.bodyforlife.com]. It's a lot of exercise, which he and I both need, and the meals are doable. I'll be eating some crow as part of my Body-For-Life, as I have spent the past 3 years making fun of Rob and the fact that we all have our Body For Life, I mean isn't that the definition of Life? I'm even using Rob's extra copy of the book. I won't even get into the fact that Rob had two copies.
But, we need to do something pretty drastic, really strict, and with good guidelines so we can get Steve on track. The hardest thing is going to be scheduling meals around Steve's burger tasting, but I'll be working on that. I'm really looking forward to the program, especially the exercise. The major change I will be making is that instead of following his Cardio workout, I'll be training for the race. Otherwise, you'll be finding me lifting weights 3 days a week, and running 3 days a week. I'm psyched.
I haven't run yet today, but will be putting in two miles. I'm headed to the RSF after a few meetings. I'll update later this week with results.
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
7:15 PM
Monday, September 10, 2007
I'm Back, Man!
It's the second week of weightlifting and now is the time to continue my progress from last week. I went online and ran some numbers for my training over the next 17 weeks or so, and got some good encouragement. I only have to run 6 miles in the first week of training. Not bad. I'm going to start slow, even though all I want to do is to be out there running, running, running. I think the hardest part will be keeping the distance down so that my knees can recover, but that is essential.
I did pretty well. I was psyched really. There were no moments of pain and never a moment when I thought I wouldn't be able to maintain the pace. It was awesome!!!! So, I have run 2 miles this week and couldn't be happier.
I wish I had a cute little story about the drama I encountered on my run, but there's no drama to be had when you are running on a treadmill at the RSF. None, zip, zilch, Nada!
Runs scheduled on Wednesday and Saturday of this week. My weight lifting class is Monday and Wednesday, so I may need to move runs to Tuesday and Thursday, but for now, I'm going to leave them on Monday and Wednesday.
Distance: 2 miles
Time: 23:38
Pace: 11:49 / mile
Overall Impression: Oh How I Love That I Am Sweating Again! (OHILTIASA!)
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
9:40 PM
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Dr. PP's Failed Experiment
Hey, Ginifer. Where the hell are you?
Posted by
Dr. Pavement Pounder
8:05 PM
Wine Drinking Endeavors
Sixpack would like to apologize for not returning Forest's phone call, mainly because he was in Lake Tahoe drunk off his own ass, and in the process of losing tons of money at the blackjack table.
To answer your question:
Merlot - not a bad choice, but it would take a strong merlot to stand up fully to a S'more. That's a lot of sugar to be balanced out, but Merlot does goe very well with chocolate.
Zinfandel - Not the WHITE variety, would also go very well with a S'more. It's strong fruit flavors, high alcohol content and usually balanced tannins would make it a nice pairing with a S'more. It should go down like raspberries dipped in chocolate.
Champagne - the drier the better. S'mores would go well with a nice Brut champagne. try a nice Korbel Brut - usually between $10-15 a bottle. It's excellent for the price.
Now thirsty, and feeling quite chastised, I shall leave you now, with one of my favorite Drunk Runner's stories that Dr. PP reminded me of yesterday.
After a 12 mile run following the path of the Napa to Sonoma Half Marathon we, Dr. PP, Deetschei, two other runners and I, all went to Nicholson Ranch for a little wine tasting. We had a few samples, then all took a glass out onto the patio to enjoy a glass of wine while overlooking the Sonoma valley. It was incredible. Sitting with friends, having just finished a run and enjoying the beauty that is Northern California was all just too much. So, I jokingly asked, "Doesn't everyone live like this?"
And I have never lived it down. It's a wonderful life, and moments like that make me appreciate all of it. The running, the wine, the friends, all are elements in a complex puzzle that make for good living.
This is strictly an alcohol question, I left Sixpack a message on it but no reply. He probably thought I was drunk. Wendy was wondering what kind of wine goes with Smore's, She was drinking a Merlot and thought it went pretty good together. She now has me drinking wine, but I'm still on white. I know this is sort of a redneck question, but we are what we are. I still like my beer but I'm branching out a little, please send me some good choices to try as well. I thank all my wine drinking Drunk runners in advance for the advice on my new drinking endeavor.
Posted by
Clyde S. Dale
3:53 PM
A Breakthrough!
I'm proud to announce that I ran One Mile today! Yes, one whole mile.
I've been struggling with back/leg pain since June, and unlike my brother, I have decided to wait until things feel good before I run. The leg pain, experienced mostly as a throbbing sensation in the right glut, or an occassional shooting pain in the knee/shin area of the right leg, has mostly subsided and I spend most of my day out of pain. However, it is still there. Despite the occasional pain, I decided to try a run today. I made the rule that if it hurt I would stop. Turning on the treadmill, I walked for a minute, then slowly increased my speed to a 9 minute mile, and ultimately an 8 minute mile. There were a few moments of leg pain, but if I clenched my abs it would immediately go away. Since it did go away, I decided it was ok. I finished the mile and was not in pain. This means a few things.
1) I might actually be able to start running again.
2) My body is slowly fixing itself
3) I need to do more ab work.
All very good things. I couldn't be happier to be back on the mill again. I'll take it very easy getting back into things here, as I'm still not completely in the clear. However, there's always a first step.
In other news, I've begun taking a weightlifting class and I'm really enjoying it. I've taken the class a few times before. Once in 1992, and once in 2005. So, it's been awhile since I've lifted regularly, and today's military press with 10 pound weights tells me that I have a lot of work to do. Holy Shit! Isn't picking up my laptop and the occasional 12 ounce curl enough to keep one in shape? But I'm now forced to do some cross-training. Something I've always been reluctant to do, as I'm very busy and I was already spending enough time with running, to make weightlifting out of the question.
Distance: 1 mile
Time: 10 minutes
Overall impression: Free at Last! Free at Last! Thank God Almighty, I'm Free at Last! (FAL! FAL! TGA, IFAL!)
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
2:23 AM