Saturday I ran got some high-altitude training in, running about four miles (I assumed, I just ran for time) around a lake outside our htoel in St. Moritz. It was actually a great run, and it was fun to listen to my breathing adjust from the typical inhalation/exhalation mode to an inhalaion x4/exhalation mode. After the run, I was literally drunk on endorphines and alpine air. I was probably not legal to drive.
Here are some pics:Okay, there is one pic. Bloggger is being tempermental. But thats the lake I ran around, from a distance...
Run Numero 2
Distance: 19.05 miles
Time: 3:11:04
Overall Impression: Problems and More Problems (PAMP)
I'm not THAT upset that I didn't finish my 20 miler. I think I could have opted to finish the last mile if I had removed my calves and sewed on a new pair. No big deal there. But it was a reocccurence of these stomach problems that really slowed me down, and which really are bothering me. The last time I ran twenty miles, I did it faster than I just did 19, and I think if I could have kept my goal marathon pace, then I would have finished, but I was simply too fatigued after 3 hours and 11 minutes of running to go further, and I think 3 plus hours of running is more than enough for a day anyway.
Tessa and I have named the problem my "burpometer". Basically, whenever I establish a certain pace, I start burping, and then all hell breaks loose. But if I run slower than that, then there are no problems. This slowed me down to almost ten minute miles yesterday, when I'm much more comfortable running closer to 9 minute miles. So, I need to sort this out before the marathon.
It's all a bit nerve-wracking though. Why now? Why me? I switched to a totally normal running diet yesterday morning, and ate the exacct same thing we used to eat in Berkeley the night before.
Well, I now have about 2.5 weeks of tapering to both sort out my stomach and rebuild my legs. Come marathon time, I should be back in the driver's seat. Should be.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
2 Runs
Posted by
dr. deetschei
7:31 AM
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So it seems our world traveller had not fallen off the face of the earth after all. I was worried when we didn't hear from you that something had happen. But no, "I was just in St. Moritz." Congrats!!!
Sounds like things are going pretty well. I'm a little worried about the stomach thing. You should check out some info online. See if there is anything about gastrointestinal problems in runners. My friend, a med student, says it's a common problem.
Bon Chance!!!! We're all rooting for you.
Ah, I detected a bit of envy in Don's comment. Doesn't everybody live this way? ;)
Well, I say, as long as the burpometer doesn't become the barfometer, you are still in good shape! Besides, all of your runs have looked gorgeous and amazing!
Keep it up. I am running vicariously through you right now!
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