Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Brokeback Prison Rape

Oh My God!!!!! I need to start writing the script for Prison Rape!

We were watching last night, of course, and the show was taking it's usual crazy turns. From an abusive childhood that has never been mentioned before, to a twice convicted felon striking a deal with a renegade FBI agent for information, it was a winning episode. In the middle of it all, a Kansas police chief is interviewing Prison Guard Bellick, and asks what he was doing in Kansas. He says, "You know, checking out the sites."
She says, "Let's be honest here. You're in Kansas. Now, we're both in law enforcement you can tell me the truth. I don't care if you were hooping it up with the boys. Or maybe you were going "Brokeback."" I just about dropped my knitting and spit out my Chablis while clutching my pearls.
Not only did the bitch steal my line, she made "Brokeback" a verb before I ever managed to, and I have more experience.

It's going to be a dry week for posts for me. Brother and sister in town, so won't be at the computer much. I will boast that I ran 5 miles today.

It was the tough 5 through Glen Park, basically half of it us up a pretty steep hill.

Final time: 45:06!!!!!!!
Average Mile: 9.02 minutes
Overall Impression: "You Boys Weren't Being Paid To Stem The Rose!" (YBWBPTSTR!)

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