Friday, November 17, 2006

Ain't nothin' gonna breaka my stride....

Almost to the end of another week here. Did two runs so far. Tuesday, 5miles, today 7 miles. Yes, it's official the weekend distance has crept its way to midweek.

The run on Tuesday was pretty good. Ran the Ohlone Greenway after Dayton crapped out whining something about his ITB blahblahblah.... So, it was by myself. Overall a pretty good run. Tight shins again, so not as pleasant feeling as I'd like. I have noticed that the shins do seem to coincide wih pace. If I'm trying to push it a bit they act up. I ran today with no problem. Maybe somewhere in there is the answer to the problem.

Today's run was gorgeous. I did the Glen Park Monster and kicked it's ass. I felt great the whole time, and clocked a 7 mile at 65:25. Not bad.

Sure wish I could have run with Dayton. I didn't get to say anything about how he couldn't quit me, or where he had left his tackle box, or nothing like that. Instead, I had to dodge a woman with flowers, almost having to dive into the bushes to avoid knocking her over.

Alas, Dayton has returned to Germany and it will be May before we meet again. How about we all go out for a jog in London before the wedding?

The stats:
Distance: 12.2 miles
Time: 109:30
Average: 8:57
Overall Impression: If I Can Keep On Keepin On, I Just May Do This Thing. I Swear! (IICKOKOIJMDTT.IS!)

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