Sunday, September 17, 2006

Dec. Marathon Canceled!

Imogen Heap will be in concert in San Francisco the same night as the marathon in Sacramento. So, there is just no way I can run a marathon that day!!!!!!

Truthfully, after weeks of promising results I've slipped a little in my training. I ran the 8 1/2 last week as I explained, but then was unable to complete the 3 mile run on Wednesday I was supposed to do. This has forced a reevaluation and a start from anew.

I have taken the rest of the week off. Fulbright application being the biggest reason. I swear if one more person puts in their two cents I'm going to go berzerk. I'm waiting for Tony's recommendations for changes, which should arrive sometime around noon on Sept. 20 (the deadline).

I'm not sure what to do about the running. I continue physical therapy and hopefully things will work themselves out. But for now it looks like maybe I should plan a marathon in February instead of December. Not too bad.

Total Miles: 0
Average time: 0
Overall Impression: Somehow Liberating To Get So Much Done In A Week! (SLTGSMDIAW)

1 comment:

dr. deetschei said...

You should ask Imogen to run the marathon with you! Tell her to bring glo-sticks!
A week off sounds brilliant, but don't forget, you're a drunk runner! You can't quit us!
Rest the legs bro, and pray for me. You're my beacon of hope right now. I'm just reminding myself of what you did with a bum knee every step of the way.