Saturday, October 04, 2008

One Day at a Time

That's the new motto. No more telling you all how much I'm going to run, how far, how often, blah, blah, blah. Instead I'm using all of my free time here to just get back into enjoying running. I'm not planning any races at the moment and won't be for a little while. I'm just going to run. That's it.

Went for what I think was two miles on Thursday. Not sure though, because my $300 watch decided not to find a satellite. WTF? I mean, I live less than a mile from an airport. Don't they need satellites? Has the Stasi disrupted my signal? I don't know what was going on, but 12 minutes into my run I looked down and the watch had registered a distance of 1/4 mile. I'm slow, but I ain't that slow.

I'll head out again today and try to do some troubleshooting with the watch. In the meantime I'm enjoying trying to figure out how to "run around the block" in Berlin. Seems the only way to do that successfully is to follow the remnants of the wall. Otherwise what I think should be around the block ends up being miles and miles and containing many missed opportunities. It's interesting when a modern city is still laid out according to old cow paths through the swamp. Soon I'll try a lap around the airport!


Unknown said...

Sounds like a Garmin watch you have there.... are you sure you have the GPS switched to ON !

dr. deetschei said...

:) i love the idea of just running around berlin. you are going to have such a fantastic time exploring that city on foot, that you will accumulate mad miles without even realizing it. i'm looking forward to dublin, not much longer now :)