Sunday, August 24, 2008

Running On and Off

I, too, have been a bit spotty with my running lately. Some weeks I manage 12 or so miles total, other weeks 0-4. Boo! Unfortunately, I don't have as good an excuse as Sixpack. I only have myself and my stress to blame. However, I can report that the runs I have been doing are a decent pace (9 and under) and you will be proud to know that I intentionally include more uphills than downhills in my route. It hit me the other day that I could probably alter my route so that I ran uphill only 1 or 2 times and that the remainder of my run was either flat or downhill. But, being who I am, I realized I would have been cheating myself. Hills still suck, don't get me wrong, but they are sucking considerably less. Formal numbers and more details coming soon.

1 comment:

dr. deetschei said...

keep up the running, sistah! you are definitely rocking for hitting the road even when you are so busy with work.