This post will detail how one should not train for a marathon. I've got some experience in this department, although, by the numbers, I'm the most seasoned veteran of the group.
1) Do not try to pile on too many miles too fast.
I'm convinced this is what happened with my ankle, and it qualifies as injury #1. With a rather sedate winter (flues, Christmas, Semester start, etc.) I believe I piled too many miles on too fast, and just stressed the heck out of my ankle.
2) Be careful with your ankle brace or you could develop a rash over your entire body.
Yes, it was on my feet, my left ankle--the one with the brace--the right ankle, my hands, my elbows, and who knows where else. No one knew what it was, but they gave me some steroid cream and sent me on my way.
2) When you injure your ankle give it rest, but please try to not catch a cold.
3 weeks ago, I set the shoes aside to allow my ankle to heal, and to give the rash a little time out of the brace. At the end of the this week, just when I thought I was going to be getting back on the road, I came down with a cold. That was 11 days ago. A ton of Nyquil, Dayquil, and whatever other Quil I could buy on a street corner to make it through the day, and I was starting to feel better.
3) Saturday last, day 8 of the cold, my behind started to hurt. I'll spare you the details, but somewhere between the massive dehydration brought on by the drugs, and a diet that is not so fiber friendly, I ended up in the doctors office on Monday and was sent home limping.
4) Sunday, just when the cold was ending, I came down with the flu. Fever, chills, congestion and three days on the couch. I'm now feeling better, but not sure when the congestion is going to clear entirely.
This all means that I have not run in almost a month. Dr. PP will be here with Ginifer this weekend, and we will most likely drink the Bay to Breakers, I don't have much hopes that I'll be able to run before then.
Which brings me to the marathon training. After all of this, I am still registered for, have raised money for, and bought a plane ticket for a trip to Madison for the Bratfest Marathon (my name, not theirs.). I will still be doing the marathon, even if I walk most of it and don't finish. I'm looking this week and next at Run-Walk programs--You know, run 4 minutes, walk 1--to see if I might be able to stretch what fitness I have at least into a finishing time and a medal. I knew I shouldn't have gotten all cocky and hung up my medals two weeks ago. Now they stare down at me in disdain as I write this. They know they are the true medals, the ones where I went in to the race at least half way trained and ready to finish.
Next week, I just hope to not kill myself while still crossing the finish line. I'm working on an extra long race mix for my iPod.
Wish me luck. Oh, and I promise to post Bay to Breakers pictures, including me in the sassy running dress.
Holy Crap! That really has to be the worst illness streak I have ever heard of. Don't tax your body any more than you need to before the marathon. There is no shame in drinking your way to the Bay to Breaker's finish line. We are, after all, Drunk Runners! Perhaps we can have a splinter group known as the Drunk Walkers? Drunk Skippers (I know Deetschei would be a fan of this one)? Can't wait to see you Friday, but I might have to wear a medical mask to prevent being infected by your bad illness luck (kidding) ;)
Alright, I give in! I've avoided all this new-fangled bloggin' and now I want in 'cause I've got a question. Six-pack, deetschei, Pavement Pounder, anybody... you wanna send me an invite so I can post my question on a new thread instead of as a comment???
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