Thursday, December 06, 2007

The Inadequacies of the Internet

You would think that with all the shit out on the web, there would be ONE still from the movie Terminator 2: Judgment Day showing the scene in which T-1000* gets frozen by liquid nitrogen and its legs break off its body as it tries to keep moving. Maybe I just don't have the patience to spend more than 10 minutes searching, but with Google images and all the other resources, it shouldn't even take that long.

The point of this ramble, you ask me? Well that scene perfectly describes how I felt on the first half of my 6.43 mile run today. I took Tuesday's 2miler off, because I was still in pain. However, thanks to nature and those good ol' endorphins, the pain gradually became bearable and almost forgettable. More to report after Sunday!

I agree with Sixpack, didn't running used to be fun??? ;)

*The only reason I know the name of that damned robot is because of all the googling I had to do in the first place. No, I am not naturally that geeky.


Sixpack Chopra said...

Endorphins are awesome! I sometimes wish there are startorphins so we would be in better shape the whole time! Congrats on finishing the run. At this stage of the game I would say the miles are more important than the time. Keep logging the miles and you'll be in good shape. Keep it up! It will be fun again!

dr. deetschei said...

i agree with sixpack. just log those miles. that's the most important thing for race day. it may not be pretty, but you'll cross that finish line!