Saturday, July 28, 2007

Where Sixpack lies

The doctor's have still not finished their work here. After 5 visits to PT I'm not much ahead of where I started. Still in pain, and still not running. Hell, with teaching and work I haven't even been swimming, but that's alright. I'll get back to that next week when my prospectus is done.
I'm not running, I'm not drinking, I'm not even talking most days, but my Berkeley Exile has been amazingly productive. I'm feeling much like the Dalai Lama who was ripped from his people and his homeland and sent wandering in the desert. (Yes, I know it's not a desert, but the image was too powerful to pass up.)
I'm jealous of those of you that still have your mobility, and can't wait to get back out there. I miss running like I miss Max Headroom. It's this nagging feeling that life could be so much better, if only.... I'm not really on here to complain, but to let you all know that I am still working toward getting better, and as soon as September hits you better look out! Cuz I'm gonna try running again, and if i works there will be no stopping me.


dr. deetschei said...

hey man! sounds like you have the right outlook. i can't wait for september, already. when you're running pain-free again, i think we all better watch out :)
don't let the exams consume you (too much)! you'll do fine. maybe try and go for some walks or something to get you out of the office and library occasionally. get some fresh air in you.

Sixpack Chopra said...

Fresh air? I don't think I remember what that is! :-)
I'm going to the doctor next week. I'm not waiting a week with the PT. I'm tired of this, and want it over. So, I'll see what the doc has to say.

As for the exams, they're fine. When the prospectus is done (8/1) I'll be able to relax and spend the month reading Kindlers. That's all.